Canvas Theme

Canvas is a starter theme for Cabin.

The theme's source code is located at the Canvas GitHub repo.


To use Canvas you must have Node.js, Python (for Pygments), and Compass installed.

First install Cabin and Grunt globally with this command:

npm install -g cabin grunt-cli

Then scaffold a static site generator using the Canvas theme with this command:

cabin new blog CabinJS/Canvas

Now change into the blog directory and run the grunt command:

cd blog && grunt

This will build your site, start a static file server, open a browser tab with the site's homepage, and start a watch process to rebuild your site when source files change.

Try editing a markdown file in the posts folder or CSS in the src/styles folder and upon saving, your site will automatically be rebuilt with the updated content/styles. When you edit markdown, your browser will automatically refresh to view new content, and when editing styles, they will be injected directly into the page for an immediate update.

Once you are happy with the state of your site, you can deploy the contents of the dist folder using one of Cabin's deployment options.

Note: In the future, you can build your site by running the grunt command in the blog folder.

User Guide

Expected files to edit

There are parts of the Canvas theme which you are expected to edit when building your site. Here they are:


You are expected to add your name to the nav home link in the src/layouts/base.jade or src/layouts/_header.ejs file.


You are expected to edit the src/pages/about.(jade/ejs) page to describe the site.


You are expected to edit the default posts and add your own metadata and content.

Authoring Posts

Candy generates pages using markdown posts in the posts folder. It expects markdown posts to contain two required metadata properties:


Type: String

Title of the post which is also used as its url.


Type: String

DateString which is parsed and displayed as the publishing date of the post.

To learn more about post metadata, check out grunt-pages.

Included libraries/tools


Normailze.css is used to normalize styles across browsers.


Candy uses the IcoMoon App to generate icon fonts. By default it uses icons for social media and comments, but you can easily add and remove icons.

To alter the icons, go to this url, and click the below session icon in the bottom right and upload the src/styles/IcoMoon Session.json file.

After updating the icons simply download them and replace the fonts folder inside the src/styles folder and replace the contents of src/styles/_icon.scss with style.css. You will also need to update the src/styles/IcoMoon Session.json by clicking Store Session after clicking the session icon to allow for future icon changes.


If you would like to generate an RSS feed, check out grunt-pages' RSS option and add it to your grunt-pages config in Gruntfile.js.


Cabin supports GitHub flavored Markdown for its static site generation. It has awesome features like:

Syntax highlighted code blocks

function praise (thing) {
  console.log(thing + ' is so great!');


Linked headers(link on the left)

Link into specific sections of your posts.